Are you looking for specialized training in language and culture in the workplace? Do you or the people you represent have a work permit in Luxembourg?
So join the Intègr' Emploi project. The project meets a crucial need: helping people with limited French language skills and a lack of knowledge of professional standards to integrate sustainably into the Luxembourg job market.
Pour combler cette lacune, Intègr'Emploi offre à chaque participant :
an assessment and orientation session,
a professionally oriented French course in one of the following three sectors: hospitality, cleaning and gardening
a workshop on workplace culture and norms
une session de suivi, une évaluation des compétences et un certificat de participation.
Le projet est soutenu par le Fonds social européen (FSE+), le ministère du travail et l'Office national pour l'inclusion sociale. La participation au projet est gratuite.
Public cible:
Les personnes disposant d'un permis de travail au Luxembourg (par exemple les bénéficiaires de Revis, BPI, BPT, etc.).
Horaire : Télécharger ici !

Have completed the language integration course (Literacy in French or French as an integration language) or
French level A.1 or equivalent
With the support of